My name is Linda Wells, I am a brain injury survivor & this is my story. In 1993 my husband & I were in Catalina Island to celebrate a new years eve. Of witch I did did not make it on DEC 30 Rex (my husband) & myself were riding in a golf cart with 2 otters, we were sitting in the back, going up a street the driver drove Grover & threw me off the golf cart, I rolled down the street hit my head.
The ambulance came took me to the hospital in Catalina I had a bump on my head, was unconscious for just a little bit. The doctors said I had a conscious. To take me tour friends home watch me. Well within 1 hour I could no talk, walk, and my right side of my body was like paralyzed my face drop down.
My husband took me back to the E.R. They air watched me off the island to long beach memorial hospital. They did a cat scan on my brain. I had a bleed in my brain the size of lemon.
The doctor told my family that I would probably never be able to process information told to me think & speak to response back. More or less like a vegetable. Oh my, how did my family deel with this one. Me I was not knowing anything. They asked me my name. I knew in my head I was Linda but win I wrote it would be 1100222, no I know that does not say “Linda”. I had a long long journey ahead of me!!!!
I hard my first seizure only 1, of 100’s to come. Grand MAL, Petite & Focal. They started therapy rite away. Then I was moved St. Johns Rehab in Oxard, then solutions in Sant a Barbar then back to St. Johns. Then home!!!!! I had 5 years of therapy, speech, physical. It was so so so hard….. I never wanted to lose my husband, I wanted to be the best I could be. I worked very hard always , lots of confusment, your friends leave you because you are now notthe person you once were.
The new world is hard hard hard….
I have trouble with nose, vision, groups, no music, can’t read books, can’t drive, my thinks & words my not always work or make cents. Spelling oh that you can see in this letter – I do my best… I lost ability of money, but I know how to give a credit card. Concentration, comprehending, well. We go throw 5 steps: denial, sadness, anger, bargaining & finally acceptance!!!
Well I do like myself most of the time!!!! You must work, hard, try to stay positive & you can do more than the Dr’s tell you can do, I have learned my new world.
I do like being with my brain injury friends….they so get it.