Wednesday, March 31, 2010

wed March 31, 2010

A TUFF day!
Started out a meeting abuot my frustation of BIC.  I tryed so hard to explain myself.  Oh Boy, very hard. to thik & get it out to make sence.  PAUSE & PLAN breath Linda.  Well i did My best...

Meeting over.... i hope i got thu some important issues.

Now it is time to go with Rex to "THE OAKS"  It is noisey , crowded, Loud, why do the y play music in the mall??? it is so noisey & laud anyway. So i have my ear plugs on, looking down, trying so hard to get by .  The wold is so much stimuli.  A normie just gets in ther car, drives them self & does shoping.  Well it is not like that for us.  it is hard & using up marbles, try to put a smil on yuor face Linda,, the actres remember look like yuor having fun.   Oh yeah "THE ACTRES"  she must take over .   Good Rex got what he needed at Williams & Sonoma.  Rex cooks, but I not to good at it  anymor.

TOMOROW WILL BE BETER... LINDA this is only part of my day to much more icky to takl abuot.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today is Tues march 30, 2010,

My day startd out good, out of bed, cofee next, then make my list of were & want i need to get.  Today Mari comes & helps me. Those who know me, know i can no longer driv, but i do hav 2 ladys that help me out.  Mari has been with me 14 yeres, & Alma 8 yeres.  So thakful i have threm, it is hard, they bothwork for me but they are both dere frends.!!!!!  Yes win yuo have a life change  acident , yuo must lern many new tools to make yuor  life the best.

The phone is ringing.... Oh no I must get redy.  Now i panic.... I am not going to be redy win Mari arives.  So i am starting to get myself upset & that is win i make more mistakes & loose , forget what I started off to do... Oh   get so frustaed.  Phone no I can't get, Oh no it is one of my Dr.s  hold yuor thinks of what yuo were going to do.  Becuz yuo must take this call.  Well done with with the Dr. & i hav no idea what iwas going to do.  So it is just keep geting redy.

Off we go,  a good day we got eveythig done.  List complete this is grat.

O.K. yuo normies i will keep tryng to be like yuo guys.  lind's day

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

i reconected with 6 old high schol frends.... It makes me feel good.  yes i shared my blog & 1 has a very specal grandgirl.  i will pray for her...  She looks so swet!!! bless yuo my child...nice to know yuo at one time had good close frends & they reconected back with me.... i so like that... not to say ther are pepol now that like the new Linda...  Lynn is gone